Work with families and children

Resilience: supporting mental health in communities
Resilience Centers are friendly spaces where everyone in the community can receive free psychosocial support, participate in mutual aid groups, and group activities.

«Resilience is not an innate skill. It can and should be «trained» and developed. It is crucial in today's Ukrainian realities of uncertainty and stress to be able to adapt to new circumstances, overcome difficulties and maintain mental well-being», says Oleg Oliynyk, Head of Resilience Building.
The centers' specialists will help:
Learn to recover from stress
Understand and cope with emotions
Develop stress resistance skills
Prevent psychological trauma
Improve mental well-being
Assist in solving life difficulties.

All community residents, regardless of age, gender or social status, can receive assistance at the Resilience Centers.
Resilience Centers offer a wide range of services, including:
Individual and family counseling with psychologists and social workers
Group sessions on stress resistance development, emotion management, trauma overcoming, etc.
Training on first aid
Family space: organization of activities and activities for children, parental training, family events
Mutual aid groups
Involvement of volunteers.

The Resilience Program is implemented by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine with the support of the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program «Are You OK?» of First Lady Olena Zelenska.

Minimum package of integrated social services
for families with children
The initiative aims to provide sustainable services of the minimum package of integrated social services to further develop standards for these services at the state level.
In 6 communities of Chernihiv Oblast, our organization is implementing the UNICEF in Ukraine project «Minimum Package of Integrated Social Services for Families with Children».
The Ukrainian Education Platform is part of a consortium of organizations implementing this project in the country. In particular, we are implementing it together with CSO «Ukrainian Child Rights Network», CO «Charitable Foundation «SOS Children's Villages» Ukraine», and NGO «Social Synergy» in 28 communities of Ukraine.

The «Minimum Package of Integrated Social Services for Families with Children» proposes the development and implementation of, for example, such services as social support for alternative forms of fostering (Foster Care, Guardianship, Care); daycare for children; crisis intervention. It also strengthens the development of social services: mediation, parental competence development, early intervention, and psychosocial support.
The project is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through the German Development Bank (KFW).

Good Neighbour
The project works for people in crisis, including those affected by full-scale war. It also helps families improve their living conditions and is a response to the deinstitutionalization reform. Since the project's inception, about 100 families and almost 200 children have already received help and support from Good Neighbour.
The main idea of the project is to establish communication with families in crisis, affected by the war so that they do not end up in social isolation and difficult life circumstances.
With this project, we are trying to prevent the institutionalization of children (getting children into institutional care institutions) and help parents create safe and comfortable conditions for their children. We search for resources and strengthen the family with the help of a volunteer — a good neighbor.

24 volunteers have been trained
24 families in which are raised
80 children, received support
Regions in which volunteers work using the Good Neighbor program technology:
Chernihiv city, Smila city and Cherkasy region, Dnipro city, Marhanets city (Dnipropetrovsk region), Kropyvnytskyi city, Nyzhniv village (Ivano-Frankivsk region)

Children's spaces
Project goal: Creating a child-friendly environment for children (adolescents, youth), where various services, services and formative activities could be combined for the successful socialization of children in society (community).
The main idea is to create children's spaces in churches, NGOs, and CCCs. Many stakeholders are trying to create children's spaces for various reasons (localization of a large number of children in one environment, creation of a safe space for children to minimize the impact of traumatic experiences, provision of a training component in online education, non-formal education, psychosocial work).
Children's spaces are a form of work that provides quick access to the child and, through them, to the family. In humanitarian response, children's spaces are often places where social services are provided (information, counseling, daycare, social support, etc.).
A total of 79 613 children received psychosocial support and non-formal education services
756 social work specialists were engaged (comprehensive training program to improve the competencies of specialists working with children)
Humanitarian aid: 46 860 people received stationery, clothing, hygiene and recreation kits
Case management services: 1 213 families received comprehensive case management for families in difficult life circumstances
Psychological support for 1 122 mothers and children
Methodological recommendations for creating spaces developed

204 families were involved and provided with needs assessment and services
1 537 people were reached, including
857 adults (344 men/513 women) and
680 children (330 boys/350 girls)
7 150 services were provided for children and parents in total
104 social tutoring sessions for children of senior school age


Project goal: To provide people from the affected communities with comfortable living and development conditions in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, and Ternopil regions, as well as to help local civil society activists respond to wartime emergencies and establish cooperation between the community, government, and business, and facilitate the adaptation of shelter residents in host communities.
The main idea of the project is to provide better living conditions for people with children; create housing banks from a database of places where people from affected communities can move in; ensure the operation of hotlines that provide daily information support on finding a place to live for people from affected communities; and integrate people from affected communities into new communities as full-fledged residents.